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Select play button to experience the toolbar


The training was created using Articulate Storyline, Canva, and Audacity. 


The project was created to solve a training problem in online virtual meetings. Many early adopters of Microsoft Teams do not know how to set up a teams meeting and use the taskbar successfully. 

Although somewhat intuitive, people are unlikely to experiment with settings during a real meeting, so I created a situation where learners can select and move through the Teams interface with some help and feedback. 

Objective slide.JPG


I designed and developed this training by working closely with subject matter experts, using knowledge from LinkedIn trainings, and by drawing from personal experience . I used cognitive load theory and Gagne's 9 Events for Instruction to guide the training process.  

set up your camera and sound.JPG


I submitted a prototype for the training for review and made the necessary changes to achieve desired outcomes. One area of improvement includes access to the toolbar setting without requiring participants to go through the introduction of the training. A sample of that can be viewed by selecting the play button below. 

Website Picture.PNG
Com (9).png

Final Product

With the upgraded toolbar section and design elements in place, I proceeded to incorporate the quiz and knowledge checks throughout the course. The goal was to replicate the toolbar interactions and test the user's knowledge of specific actions. 

share screen quiz.JPG
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